MacWorld 1999 February
Macworld (1999-02).dmg
Serious Demos
CrystalMaker 3.1.0 demo
Demo Crystals
•CM Text Files•
Crystal Entry
Text File
95 lines
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TITL •Paragonite-2M1
Paragonite is a mica mineral, somewhat similar to muscovite;
the two minerals differ, however, in that paragonite contains
sodium, rather than potassium. This results in a smaller unit cell.
The principal polytype of paragonite is monoclinic, 2M1.
At room-T, there is a very limited solid solution of paragonite
in muscovite, and of muscovite in paragonite - but the amount
increases with temperature up to about 10 and 20 percent, respectively.
Paragonite may be formed by the reaction:
kaolinite + albite -> paragonite + quartz + water
it may also be formed in sedimentary low-temperature environments
from illite or montmorillonite.
The optical properties of paragonite and muscovite are very
similar, and the two minerals can be distinguished by chemical
analysis for alkalis, or by x-ray diffraction.
Paragonite usually occurs as fine-grained aggregates, along with
other Al-rich minerals. It is widespread in metamorphic rocks
(schists, phyllites, gneisses), mainly ranging from greenschist
to the sillimanite zone of the amphibolite facies, but it also
occurs in blueschist-facies rocks. It is found also in
fine-grained sedimentary rocks.
! unit cell dimensions:
! a b c alpha beta gamma
CELL 5.1280 8.8980 19.2870 90.0000 94.3500 90.0000
! spacegroup symbol (International notation)
SPGR C 2/c
! range in fractional coordinates:
! xmin xmax ymin ymax zmin zmax
XYZR 0.1000 2.9500 0.7000 2.4500 0.8000 2.2000
! model type
! background colour
BKCL 0.33385 0.36287 0.88154
! bond colour
BNCL 0.68666 0.68666 0.68666
! light direction
LTDN 0.57735 0.57735 0.57735
! show the unit cell
! colour rendering mode
! orientation matrix:-
OMAT 0.39 -0.44 5.09 -8.87 -0.28 0.66 0.36 -19.03 -3.13
! bond specifications:-
BMAX Si O 1.8515
BMAX Na OH 2.6910
BMAX Na O 2.7255
BMAX H O 1.4490
BMAX H OH 1.4145
BMAX Al O 2.3000
BMAX Al OH 2.2000
! Here we include a list of atom (sphere) types:-
Al 0.53 0.0975 0.6774 1.0000
H 0.05 1.0000 0.6990 0.6990
Na 1.16 0.7895 0.7743 0.0000
O 1.21 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000
OH 1.18 0.7782 0.3510 0.0000
Si 0.40 0.4468 0.2835 0.9918
! and finally here are the atoms:
! Element symbol, site label, x, y, z
Al M(1) 0.2500 0.7500 0.0000
Al M(2) 0.2499 0.0832 0.0000
H H 0.8866 0.1458 0.0706
Na Na 0.0000 0.0941 0.2500
O O(1) 0.9574 0.4439 0.0554
O O(2) 0.3795 0.2516 0.0554
O O(3) 0.3739 0.0914 0.1743
O O(4) 0.7491 0.2960 0.1628
O O(5) 0.2475 0.3818 0.1748
OH OH 0.9518 0.0628 0.0512
Si T(1) 0.9258 0.4288 0.1409
Si T(2) 0.4401 0.2578 0.1409